THe atomic beatles
Imagine if Jimmy Page played and arranged the Beatles catalog for Mick Jagger and used Cheap Trick as his backing band. Enter the Atomic Beatles, a revved up in your face rock n’ roll experience.
Clever arrangements set the tone to your favorite Beatles classics from the Magical Mystery Tour, Helter Skelter, Dear Prudence, Gently Weeps and many more. Let us take you on a magical musical experience! A must see Beatles show, like none other.
No two bands have affected music more than the Beatles or the Stones. Each opposing force exemplify universal clashing views making “COME TOGETHER” nothing less than a Miracle! Never before has one band attempted to cover the two greatest catalogs in ROCK in one performance.
Members of The Atomic Beatles & The Unauthorized Rolling Stones have melded vast musical chakras into one wildly captivating and astonishing treat for any musical palette. Experience "Come Together".

Aprill Lacey
Entertainment Director
Music City San Francisco
1353 Bush Street, Suite 112 SF, CA 94109
Direct: 415.298.8483
Email: aprill@musiccitysf.org